Monday, May 9, 2011

Combining Ideas into the Model

Although each of the ideas explained have been treated separately they can be linked together. The idea of vertical movement representing a shift in human state adds meaning to the program of public and private spaces as well as the shifting relationship between the indoor and the outdoor. As one moves up through the levels of the building the spaces become more open to the outside world and public tending to encourage more social interaction. The lowest spaces of cellar and the servants spaces tend to be closed off and less open. Moving up to level one half of the floor is devoted to sleeping quarters and other private spaces while the other half is devoted to more open and public spaces that encourage social interaction. Then the roof is reached where the entire focus is on a public function. If you accept that the building does represent the journey from darkness to light then it seems logical that Corb is suggesting an ideal way of life, the increased symbolic importance of each successive level alignes with the incrementally larger spaces being devoted to public and semi out door living. Importance is placed on interaction with other people in open spaces and is valued above a more closeted and private existence. In the model I represented the changing nature of the spaces using perspex of varying opacities.

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